
Hello. My name is Cade. You killed my father. Prepare to die.

This blog is a website where I can review movies, television shows, and video games. My reviews can sometimes be biased, but I do my best to display concrete analysis. It’s a tremendous amount of help to Follow my blog. It’s even more helpful when you leave a comment to critique my posts and give ideas about my next post. I live in Austin, Texas. Y’all. I’m left-handed. I usually release at least 2 or 3 reviews each month. Sometimes, it’s something I catch while perusing Netflix or Amazon Prime, other times I go out of my way to the nearest theater near my home- all for you guys.

I’ve been asked for many a year, “Why do you like movies so much?” The real question, I propose, is “Why wouldn’t I?” For as long as I can remember, movies have enchanted me and been able to sweep me off my feet to distant lands. From The Shire to Tatooine, from Gotham City to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.  I loved the cinema so much, it compelled me to start writing reviews on WordPress in June 2014. I have absolutely zero tolerance for bigotry or hatred of any kind on my Blog. My politics are my own, and I hope that you can respect that as well. This is intended to be a website where cinephiles can convene and feel safe and united under one house.

While I generally avoid a rating system on my website, you can also check out my Letterboxd account to get a better idea of how I feel about movies. And in case you don’t have the stamina to sit through a whole review here. https://letterboxd.com/Cinelove/

My Favorite Movies (Ranked in alphabetical order)

The Dark Knight

Die Hard

Forrest Gump

The Godfather

Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark

Jurrasic Park

The Lion King

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Pulp Fiction

Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

Terminator 2: Judgement Day

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